Discontinuing my Blue Host hosting service — Transferring all content to my wordpress.com site.

My subscription with Blue Host hosting service expires today. I’ve been downloading the site via FTP and downloading the backups I’ve been paying for for several years. I’m also exporting all content for each of my sites: tortui.com, coffee.tortui.com, journal.tortui.com, csic.tortui.com and travel.tortui.com. I finally feel about doing this. I really do very little on any of the sites only making an occasional blog. I was hesitant to leave my hosting service because of the much reduced control that I have over this wordpress.com site. On the other hand, I’ve been getting a lot of malware on those sites and am not committed to keeping everything in safe and good working order. So one of the big advantages of using this site instead is that I don’t need to worry about security. Another thing is that this site is much faster than a shared hosting service.


It seems that the Zemanta plugin for Windows Live Writer hasn’t been supported for some time. Fortunately the last version, .6 still works although it complains that it is not supported.

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Added Google Analytics

I installed a plugin called “Google Analytics” which embeds google analytics java script code in all pages on this site. Google Analytics tracks web traffic and allows you to view reports on site usage. There are many, many WordPress plugins for Google Analytics. The one I used had a four star rating and just happened to be called “Google Analytics.”

I discovered that WordPress was set to not allow search engines.  I changed the setting to “I would like my blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Bing, Technorati) and archivers.”